Monday, February 2, 2009

Its just time for a blog

Well, I've been thinking about how I needed to blog again for the past couple of weeks. And then today I actually got a request for more blogs about what it is actually like to prepare for moving to another country (thanks Susan). So, here goes a little "journal" blogging about the process....sorry to all those who I've heard say that they don't like people who use a blog as a journal :)

I'm down to less than 6 weeks before I leave the country, 5 weeks before I leave Lubbock, and less than 4 weeks before I move out of my apartment. That means I have less than four weeks to organize everything I own. If you've talked to me anytime lately you have probably already heard this. But do you have any idea how hard it is to actually sort through every last detail of what you own. Have you ever thought about the junk drawer in your kitchen. Everyone has one of those right. What do you actually do with that stuff? I've actually settled into Goodwill or the trash for most of mine because I don't think it is worth the dime I would I have to argue with someone about for 10 minutes at a garage sale. Then, there's that box under my bed that I truly have no idea what to do with. I finally survived the four boxes in my closet where I found random CD's of old work documents, the magazine that once belonged to a roommate back in Abilene and somehow I ended up with it (I know I'm anal, but she loved that article about Bryan White and I will probably actually put this into the mail to send back to her), I also have 20 fantastic sermons on cassette tape (anyone want to transfer those to CD for me so they're actually useful again:), I have three pairs of headphones, an old pack of AAA batteries, a pack of index cards, old pictures on CD, the videos from my mission trip to Haiti, great pictures I was going to use for collages back in my artsy days in San Antonio (what happened to the artistic me?), 3 spiral notebooks of notes from my Bible minor at Hardin-Simmons, a lint roller, a small scrap booking paper cutter, a box of band-aids, the birthday card I bought for my friend Nikki last year, two sheets of stickers, 5 floppy disks (I no longer have any form of computer that will even open them), a charger that goes to some techno something around my apt, and the extra buttons from a shirt I bought about a year ago. This was all in the last closet box. I'm pretty sure the thing about this box is that someone was coming to visit and just threw a bunch of stuff in a box. Then, I put that box neatly in my closet as if it held important things and its been sitting there in the closet ever since. So, I survived pulling everything out of that box, but I still have all these things sitting in my living room. Why is it hard for me to just trash this stuff? Obviously I have not missed it in a year, yet I can't get over the thought that there may be important things on those floppy disk and that charger probably goes to something very important, also.

And if I can ever get this randomness cleared out of my living room, then I can move on to the all-important box under my bed. Now this box under my bed got put there several months ago when I first started to clean out the closet boxes. The things that I looked at and thought I would make a decision about later are inside this under the bed box. This box has things like the covers to all my music CDs. I took the CD's and put them in a CD holder book, but should I waste storage space or packing space on the covers? What if I want to give the CD to someone in South Africa and they could have a great CD but there is no cover for them to have to go with the great CD. And that is as far as I remember of what is in that box because I pulled this box out friday night so that I could finally get through all my stuff. I looked through it and thought I don't want to face it any more today than I did a few months ago. I saw the CD covers and then walked away from box and left it laying right in the middle of my bedroom. Then, saturday I proudly declared that I have now pulled out every box in my apartment and am almost through them all!

This sorting through absolutely everything I own business has left me telling God that a small fire just to burn the stuff that won't be missed would help a lot right now. But so far, no fire. I guess God wants me to endure this process. Its good though, I'm breaking off the bondage of carrying around "stuff". Woohoo!

Well, I think I've written long enough for the moment. I'll write again soon...I want to tell you about my visa. So, until I write again.....


Blogger Suzassippi said...

The best way to tell what the charger goes to is to throw it away. Approximately 6 minutes after they pick up the trash, you will find the gadget that uses that charger. Works for me every time. :)

Thanks for the update--I look forward to hearing about the move, and especially after you get there!

February 3, 2009 at 8:25 AM  
Blogger Jeanne said...

Such courage to throw the charger away....I'm going to do it...tonight. Its a goner.

February 3, 2009 at 6:57 PM  

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