Saturday, August 22, 2009

Kalk Bay

So, one of my favorite places here is down the East coast of Cape Town. Its a little community called Kalk Bay. They have the best coffee shop I've found so far in the whole of South Africa, which may be the main reason I love it so much. But it is this quaint little place with little shops, art galleries, and (as I've mentioned) the most amazing coffee shop.
The town is right on the coast where boats come in with fresh fish. A couple of weeks ago I went with some friends to visit this place on a beautiful, sunny, Sunday after church. The friends I went with are the most amazing family that I stayed with when I first arrived here. They've become some of my closest friends and have made me feel like a part of their family. So, here are a few pictures of beautiful Kalk Bay and our outing that day. And, you'll even see the fresh fish Jose & Glyns bought. It was thrown off the boat, a lady right there gutted it and wrapped it in newspaper, then it went home in the car with us.


Blogger Suzassippi said...

I love it! Not only a beautiful place (to which I have not been) but a nice story about the fish! That is a big fish.

August 22, 2009 at 9:16 AM  
Blogger Jeanne said...

Can't wait for you to visit so I can take you there.....and yes, that is a very big fish. It fed about 10 people!

August 28, 2009 at 8:31 AM  

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